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Picket Fence Thickener (PFT) No. 4

Picket Fence Thickener (PFT) No. 4

G&P were contracted to remove, remanufacture and reinstall Picket Fence Thickener (PFT) No. 4 at Beckton Sewage Treatment Works (STW). The Picket Fence Thickeners are part of the sludge thickening stage of the process, and this mechanical stirring mechanism has had a number of repeated failures.

With no OEM drawings and very limited information, G&P reverse-engineered the fabricated structural section required to replace the existing damaged unit. This was completed with a number of site visits and utilisation of 3D modelling software.

The input drive coupling was overhauled and a new supporting structure made.

A new central feed tube was manufactured and was installed into the new framework at Site during installation, along with the supporting access bridge.

This project was completed within budget and on-time.